Tuesday, August 30, 2011

kigdom key

The Kingdom Key is a legendary key that is rumored to unlock any door, even gateways
between realms. The key can be used as a weapon because if it's hard metal like structure.
It has many mysterious runes on the hilt that nobody not even the wisest men on the planet could make out. For the longest time it remained Sora's favorite weapon and was unfortunately shattered. The pieces of the Kingdom Key were scattered across the universe never to be found again. Luckily one piece remained with Sora it was the chain. This chain is what supplied the key with its power. With this piece Sora was able to combine it with the Razor Axeblade to create the kingdom blade. This ended the life of the Kingdom Key.

1 comment:

  1. That's why people writing in runes on weapons need to have good handwriting.
